Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science

Policy on Cloud Computing for ExecEd and Similar Programs

This policy was most recently reviewed by SCS Council on February 8, 2021.


Cloud computing tools (“Cloud Services”) can provide substantial value to participants in executive education and other types of academic or quasi-academic programs (collectively, “SCS Programs”). However, most cloud service providers have business models that make it easy to incur significant unexpected charges. Accordingly, units within SCS that make use of such providers need to be prepared to carefully and consistently monitor those expenses.


Prior to participants in SCS Programs being given access to Cloud Services, the executive education/special program managers and/or members of the faculty involved with the SCS Programs will create and submit a written business plan to the department business office.

The plan must include:

  • The name of the vendor;
  • The service or services that are being utilized (e.g., storage, hosting, computation/calculation...) by the participants;
  • An estimate of costs including usage level and rate quotes from the vendor;
  • Duration of the service agreement along with UCO approval;
  • An account string with funding sufficient to cover the estimated costs; and
  • A description of who will oversee the participants' use of the Cloud Services, how the oversight will take place, as well as who will be responsible for cost overruns if they occur. 

POs will not be approved, personal expenses incurred (either by faculty or participants) will not be reimbursed, and procurement cards may not be used until such a plan has been submitted and approved by the department business office.

Department business offices will respond to all submitted plans (with approvals or requests for necessary changes or clarifications) within five business days.


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